Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kuriositas - The Statue of Liberty

A fascinating bit of history in photographs, along with little tidbits like this:

At the time France was in political turmoil and, although at the time under their third republic, many people looked back at the time of Napoleon and the monarchy before that with fondness and wanted its return. The desire for a backwards step to authoritarianism was worrying. French politicians - as wily then as now - saw Lady Liberty as a way, albeit phenomenally huge, to focus the public's imagination on republicanism as the best way forward. The USA and its centennial of independence from the yolk of England was the perfect focus.
 The post is replete with fascinating images.  Here's one:

Well worth a visit, but just a warning:  you might get lost here for awhile. Just check out stuff like this, and this, and this and, if you have the time, this.

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