Monday, October 4, 2010

Save Me From Myself

Flowerdust on Michael W. Smith's new album 

Anne Jackson is new to the blogroll.  (Funny thing to say - I just started the thing.)  I'm having a tough time remembering how I found her.  Awww, I guess that doesn't matter so much as that I like what she's doing.  Here's a great post that represents the kind of writing you'll find at flowerdust.  Be sure to read it all   
The first verse nails me…

“My heart is hard as stone…”
“On my own, alone, I carry it home…”

Dang, dude. This isn’t your typical happy all about Jesus song.
I don’t want to spoil the rest of the song for you (so, listen!), but he takes us from this place of being alone and hard and cold to the truth that there is only one thing that saves us.
 Read the entire thing... 

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